Eco Friendly Soaps Gave My Shirts a PERMANENT BO Smell… But Here’s How I Found A Soap That Actually Deep Cleans
Aug 02, 2022
I opened the dryer door…
And a wave of BO assaulted my nose.
I whipped my head around as I felt like I was going to be sick.
I had been trying to get that nasty smell out for weeks. But no matter what I tried, it wouldn’t go away…
Apparently, the eco-friendly soap that I bought off Amazon wasn’t doing it’s job…
Because after a few months of using it…
My workout-shirts had a PERMANENT BO smell…
And you won’t believe all the embarrassment that I went through for wearing those BO shirts….
Hi, My Name Is Nick.
Today, I want to tell you my story about finding an eco-friendly detergent…
That ACTUALLY deep cleans your clothes…
You see, I’m a pretty active guy. I wake up every morning at 6:30 to go on a run. And during the day, I work outdoors…
So my clothes get pretty sweaty…
And you can imagine how nasty-smelling they get if they’re not cleaned properly.
Well, I’m about to tell you why I tried out these “Eco-Friendly Soaps”...
How they led to the most embarrassing day of my life. And finally, how I stumbled on a “Miracle Solution”...
That led to all my shirts being PERFECTLY clean, with no disgusting BO smell, and zero plastic waste.
So, if that’s something that you want to know, make sure you read every word of my story!
Let’s go ahead and start with…
Why I Wanted To Find An Eco-Friendly Soap…
Like most people, I used to have those big plastic jugs of detergent.
And I hated them.
They took up too much space, the cap would get all sticky, and lugging them around was a pain in the tuckus.
And even worse…
My wife and I split our laundry duties 50/50… and she HATED lifting those plastic jugs even more…
Plus, we always talked about the ridiculous amount of plastic waste, and the fact that they’re filled with 90% water. (Which is all wasted-space)...
So, one day, I was filling up the detergent compartment for my washing machine…
Then, the jug slipped out of my hand.
Then, the jug slipped out of my hand.
And It Crashed Onto The Floor With A Loud “THUNK”
I immediately hunched over in pain and screamed out.
Detergent splashed up into my right eye…
Adrenaline rushed through my body as it felt like my eye was about to melt…
My wife came running into the room, my palms were all sweaty as I tried to grab a paper towel…
And she grabbed me, turned on the faucet, and we washed my eye with water for about 10 minutes…
The pain was TERRIBLE… it felt like pouring acid into your eye…
And I just thank God that the damage wasn’t worse… because I found out that strong detergent can actually permanently scar your eye, and even lead to blindness…
That night, we sat down on the couch, and talked about what happened.
And That’s Why My Wife And I Decided To Look For A Safer Eco-Friendly Detergent…
Simply because if those detergent chemicals were strong enough to hurt my eye…
Then they were also getting onto our clothes, and onto our skin…
And there’s NO WAY it’s safe for those harsh chemicals to be sitting on your skin all day long. In fact, I believe that’s why I’ve always had itchy skin, rashes, and redness on my back, legs, and arms…
So, I looked online to see what Eco-Friendly (and skin-friendly) options we had…
And after about 30 minutes of going back and forth, I found one that I wanted to try.
It was a natural soap that looked pretty good, the ingredients looked safe.
So, I ordered it off Amazon, and the next day, the Amazon delivery truck dropped the package off at my doorstep.
I grabbed the package, and tore it open.
And the next time I had to do laundry, I tried the Eco-Friendly Soap out…
I loaded up my dirty clothes into the washer, and poured in the soap…
And Finally, After All The Washing And Drying…I Pulled The Clothes Out To Smell Them…
And I could barely smell anything.
They didn’t smell dirty, and they didn’t smell clean.
And some of the stains were still on my shirts (but SLIGHTLY lighter)...
So I wasn’t sure if the soap had worked…
Looking back, I wish that I had thrown that soap away…
Because for the next 3 months, every time that I washed my clothes…
I noticed a disgusting smell building.
And like I told you at the start of this story… by the time month 3 rolled around…
ALL of my shirts had a permanent BO smell. I paid GOOD money for those shirts…
And I couldn’t believe that my Eco-Friendly soap basically ruined them…
In fact, one time I went to my Nephew’s birthday party.
And Unfortunately, I Forgot That I Was Wearing One Of Those BO Shirts…
Well, that was BAD news for my family…
Because we packed into this tiny apartment, with no AC, and 25 of my family members…
I remember people giving me these weird looks, and I didn’t know what was happening. Then, they started keeping their distance from me…
And when I lifted up my arms to give my nephew a big hug…
That’s when the NASTY smell of BO washed over me, and I felt HUMILIATED…
In fact, I rushed myself outside, and spent the rest of his party hanging out by myself on the porch…
And while sitting there alone, embarrassed…
I Knew That My Eco-Friendly Soap HAD TO GO IMMEDIATELY…
But I also knew that I didn’t want to go back to using regular detergent.
My eye still hurt from the detergent spill, and I didn’t want to go back to creating a mountain of plastic waste.
As you can see, I was in a real pickle.
So, since I didn’t have anything better to do, I started researching online to find information about detergents.
I wanted to know why my Eco-Friendly soap wasn’t working.
And the answer that I found couldn’t have been more simple.
It explained why my soap wasn’t deep cleaning my clothes. And why they had the permanent BO smell…
And The Problem Was That My Eco-Friendly Soap Wasn’t Strong Enough…
Think of detergents as having a cleaning power from 1 to 100.
100 means that they basically have cleaning superpowers. And you’ll get ANYTHING out of your clothes.
1 means that you’re pretty much washing your clothes with mud. They’re not going to clean anything…
Well, I would say that my Eco-Friendly soap was a solid 50. They didn’t do a whole lot of cleaning, and they were right in the middle.
And normal detergent would be at an 80 or a 90…
And if you want to have SUPER CLEAN clothes, then you’ll want your soap/detergent to be at that same number…
When I discovered this, it’s like a light bulb went off in my head…
I knew that I just needed to find a stronger Eco-Friendly soap…
One that would clean my clothes all the way through. Instead of leaving stains, odors, or weird residue…
But That’s The Problem With MOST Eco-Friendly Soaps…
They cut out all the HARSH chemicals, so turning them into a STRONG cleaner has been very difficult…
I looked online, and nobody had a product that could match the cleaning power of regular detergent…
Except For One Company Called Miracle…
When I searched online for strong Eco-Friendly detergents…
One name kept coming up over and over again. So, I checked out their website, and felt excited while reading about their product…
Apparently, they’ve created ULTRA-STRONG detergent sheets…
So that instead of pouring a liquid into your washing machine for each load. You just place one of these sheets inside of your machine.
And they give you the strongest clean possible. And when you compare it to other eco-friendly detergents/soaps…
It’s almost like you’re using regular detergent without the harsh chemicals, smells, or giant jugs.
But I wanted to know...
What Makes Them Special? Why Do They Use Sheets Instead Of Liquid?
I read on their website…
That their “detergent sheets” use the most concentrated form of the natural ingredients possible… so that when you pull your clothes out of the dryer…
The detergent sheets COMPLETELY clean them. No more odors. No more stains. And no more having to lose money while buying new shirts.
Plus, you don’t have to worry about Miracle using unnatural or harsh chemicals..
Because Miracle Laundry Sheets are made out of safe ingredients you can find in your kitchen…
Coconut oil.
Vegetable oil.
Coconut oil extract.
Deionized water.
These laundry sheets are made of ultra-concentrated forms of those 5 simple ingredients.
The only other thing I wanted to check about Miracle, was what other people were saying about them.
So I looked online…
And I Saw That Miracle Worked So Well For Cleaning Laundry…That They Were Going Viral On Social Media!
I was blown away with how happy people were with their laundry…
Because on Facebook, people were saying things like…

“Beats my old detergent. Even my dirty work clothes come out like new! To think this is an eco-product just blows my mind.”

“Bulky, heavy items are a nightmare with my medical condition. Miracle empowers me to help the environment and makes my day easier too! Brilliant idea."

"I used to have so much trouble finding a detergent to wash my baby clothes. Sensitive skin runs in the family and these sheets are perfect for our laundry. Highly recommend."

"I used to have so much trouble finding a detergent to wash my baby clothes. Sensitive skin runs in the family and these sheets are perfect for our laundry. Highly recommend."
I also found people talking about how great their clothes smell. Which for me, was SUPER important… I was tired of having my shirts PERMANENTLY smell like BO…

"So much better for my skin and the planet. Love how easy to use there are. Surprised by how well they work too.”

“I'm a mom of 3. These save much so much hassle compared to carrying big jugs from grocery store and they work just as well. Will buy again!"
By this point, I was basically jumping up and down in excitement to try Miracle.
But there was just one more thing that pushed me to try Miracle…
And That’s How You Can Try Miracle Laundry Sheets With NO RISK…
When I saw that you have 30 days to test their sheets for yourself…
And if you’re not happy for ANY reason during that time, then you can get a full refund.
I felt VERY confident that they were going to work for me. But it felt nice to know that I had a backup plan in case things didn’t work out.
So, I sent in my order online, and had a big smile on my face while imagining what it would be like…
To have a laundry detergent that was PLASTIC-FREE… natural… and felt like I was using ultra-strong detergent.
So, that night I went home, and waited in anticipation for my Miracle Laundry Sheets…
And about 3 days later, the UPS delivery man dropped them off…
And I Got 32 Laundry Sheets In This Nice Plastic-Saving Box…
This box is SO LIGHT, and it’s amazing that it has 32 detergent sheets inside…
Realizing that I could finally get rid of the giant bottles in my laundry room made me very happy. Because I knew that these boxes would save a ton of space.
Next, I immediately brought them into the laundry room to test.
And after using them for the first time… I was SHOCKED!
Firstly, I watched the sheets easily dissolve into the water. (Which can be a big problem for other Eco-Friendly detergents)...
Then, when I pulled my clothes out of the dryer…
I noticed that they had a FRESH, clean smell. I could tell the MASSIVE difference between Miracle Laundry Sheets… and the other Eco-Friendly soap that I tried…
But more importantly…
I consistently used Miracle Laundry sheets for the next 2 months. And I used them to wash everything… my sweaty workout clothes from the morning.
My work clothes, my kids clothes, and my wife's clothes…
And 2 Months Later, They Still Smelled Like They Were Brand New!!!
Thank GOD there was no nasty BO smell…
In fact, over time, I also noticed that my skin felt better. I had less itchiness, redness, and rashes on my back and legs..
And that was ESPECIALLY important for my toddlers and wife…
Because all of them have very sensitive skin, and they say that they like Miracle Laundry Sheets way better…
And that’s why I wrote this story for you..
Because Miracle asked me to share my story with the world…
So That I Can Inspire People Like You To Try Miracle Laundry Sheets…
So, if you’re looking for an eco-friendly detergent that…
Is plastic free.
Works in hot or cold water
Leaves a fresh-smelling scent.
Has only 4 natural ingredients that you can find in your kitchen.
And cleans your clothes all the way through.
Then I highly recommend that you give Miracle a try. Because after all, you can try them risk-free for 30 days…
So you’ve got nothing to lose!
In fact, they’ve even agreed to give you a special deal…
Since Miracle loved my story so much…
And because you’ve read my story all the way through…
They’ve Agreed To Give You A Massive 40% Off The Normal Price.
You see, the normal price most people pay for a 32-pack is $35.99. However, with your one-time discount, you’ll only pay $24.99 per pack…
The only bad news is…
This is a limited-time deal. They’ve reserved only 1,000 boxes for this week’s promotion… and you’ll want to claim your boxes before it’s too late…
They’re selling like hotcakes, so I would even consider picking up multiple boxes too! (Plus, the more you buy, the more you’ll save too)...
So when you’re ready to have the cleanest clothes possible (with an eco-friendly detergent)...
Simply click the button below to claim your limited time discount:

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