Still Rinsing Your Fruit & Veggies With Tap Water? You’re Probably Eating Mold & Pesticides By The Handful — Try This Instead
Sep 11, 2022If you’re rinsing your vegetables with tap water, or even using a specially formulated “fruit rinse”, then this article will blow your mind!
Be sure to read all the way through to find out how you can guarantee your fruits and vegetables are as clean as can be, every time!
Quick question: How do you clean your fruits and vegetables?
Let me guess… you rinse them off under tap water for a few seconds, right?
Maybe you wash them a few times, or even use ice water.
If so, I’m guessing you’ve never seen what store-bought fruit and vegetables look like under a microscope… even after you’ve rinsed them.
And believe me, you don’t want to. There’s ALWAYS some nasty stuff left behind. (Yes, even if you buy organic!)
Check this out — these are strawberries I got at the store recently. I got them at a big chain that you’ve surely heard of and probably even shop at.

Now let’s zoom in…

See that? That’s MOLD and BACTERIA… and these strawberries are covered in it!
Now check out this ORGANIC lettuce under a microscope:

That’s pesticide residue… and even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you’re still eating it.
Now here’s the kicker: Both of these photos were taken AFTER I rinsed them in water… three times!
Gross right? Well, guess what… I’d bet big money that your fruits and vegetables look the exact same.
That’s because rinsing with tap water simply doesn’t do the trick. While there are now much better ways to clean your fruits and veggies, unless you do something about it, there’s a big chance the food you and your family eats is infested with grimy stuff you’d rather not think about… and according to experts, you shouldn’t ignore it.
Those Pesticides, Mold & Bacteria Left On Your Food Aren’t Just Disgusting — They Could Be Ruining The Flavor & Even Making You Sick!

As much as we’d like to trust major manufacturers to keep our food clean, the fact is they don’t have the strictest standards. And eating the stuff they miss can have serious consequences — especially for children, pregnant women and people sensitive to chemicals.
First off, pesticide poisoning can cause symptoms like nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, anxiety and confusion.1 If you’ve experienced such symptoms after a meal, it’s possible that pesticide residues were to blame.
Second, you can often taste those pesticide residues and mold… and they’re not pleasant. Although pesticide residues may come in small amounts, you can’t forget that they’re powerful chemicals designed to poison and kill living organisms… you don’t need much before they start spoiling your food’s flavor!
But most importantly, we simply don’t know what effects all these small amounts of pesticides have on our bodies… especially our children.
In fact, a recent study with a nationally representative sample that showed increasing chances of developing ADD/ADHD for 8-15 year olds with increasing levels of pesticide metabolites in urine.1
Additionally, the Center for Ecogenics & Environmental Health found that infants, growing children, pregnant and nursing mothers, and women of childbearing age are most at risk for adverse health outcomes from exposure to pesticides.1
We like to think everything is under control and our food is safe, but the truth is there’s only one way to be sure: Clean it yourself.
Thankfully, that’s recently become easier than ever.
How To Guarantee Your Produce Is Clean & Free From Pesticides, Mold, & Bacteria
As I mentioned, simply rinsing with tap water won’t work. That’s because tap water by itself isn’t powerful enough to properly erode the bacteria and pesticides in your produce.
If you want to be truly pesticide free in your home, you don’t have many options…
Option 1 is to buy organic — but there are numerous problems with this.

First, organic foods are not necessarily pesticide-free. Although the USDA does have regulations for organic farmers, they’re still allowed to use pesticides derived from natural sources, which can still make you sick.
Producers also use lots of tricks to make you think something was grown without pesticides when it’s really covered in them. For example, terms like "free-range", "hormone-free", and "natural" do not mean organic.
Finally, organic food is waaay more expensive… and despite the extra cost, you’re not even getting a guarantee that it’s pesticide-free!
As such, buying organic doesn’t necessarily protect you from pesticides… and it doesn’t do anything about mold or bacteria.
Option 2 is to get a “fruit wash” — but these often change the taste of your food.

Lately, a lot of “fruit and vegetable sprays” have hit the market. They actually do a pretty good job of cleaning your food… but they often introduce new chemicals and give your food a funny taste.
So, while fruit washes may get rid of pesticides and bacteria, you’re left with a worse experience, making it a trade-off rather than an actual solution.
Option 3 is to use something called electrolyzed water — and it’s hands down the best method.
These days, there’s a much better option than buying organic or using sprays.
This new method cleans your food from bacteria, mold, AND pesticide residues… yet doesn’t affect the taste at all. In fact, it actually makes your food taste better because it removes all the icky stuff without changing anything else.
The method is called Electrolysis, and thanks to recent advancements in consumer technology, you can now use it at home too.
Electrolysis is basically like supercharging your water so it’s powerful enough to erode the bacteria, mold, and pesticide residues… without using chemicals, soaps, or anything unnatural. (I think of it as making the water “sharp” enough to clean properly.)
To clean your produce using electrolyzed water, you only need salt, water, and a special device called AquaPure.
Electrolysis has been used in the food industry for decades thanks to its safety, but the technology was too expensive for home use… until AquaPure created a home version, that is!
What is AquaPure, and why is it such a better way to clean fruit and vegetables?
AquaPure is a new device that uses Electrolysis to remove up to 99% of pesticides, bacteria and mold from your fruits and vegetables.
Simply stick it in a bowl of regular tap water with some table salt to transform the water into electrolyzed water, which safely and effectively removes all the icky stuff that tap water alone can’t handle.
AquaPure’s electrolyzed water solution works by attacking the harmful substances on your produce and decomposing the molecules so they can easily be rinsed off with water.
Electrolyzed water has been growing in usage in the food industry over the past 10 years, and it’s frequently cited in scientific journals for being a safer and easier-to-use alternative to chemical-based cleaners — plus, it’s much cheaper and better for the environment.2
AquaPure is a huge breakthrough in home food safety — and it’s quickly going viral, with thousands of people raving about how much better their food tastes… and how much safer they feel using it.
How Do You Use AquaPure?
Not only does it ACTUALLY clean your fruit and veggies, AquaPure is super easy to use:
- Step 1: Fill it with regular tap water
- Step 2: Place the AquaPure device and your produce in a bowl
- Step 3: Your AquaPure will flash blue as it electrolyzes your water and cleans your produce. After a few minutes it stops flashing — that means it's done!
- Step 4: Give your produce a quick rinse and enjoy!
It’s so easy to add to your routine — instead of spending that time scrubbing and rinsing over and over, AquaPure lets you “set it and forget it”… and it actually does a better job!
Bottom Line: AquaPure Gives You Peace Of Mind In The Kitchen (And Better-Tasting Produce)
Electrolysis is a game-changer when it comes to keeping food clean and making it taste better — no wonder it’s been used in restaurants and industrial kitchens for years!
And now, thanks to AquaPure, this incredible technology is finally available for home use. Not only does AquaPure keep your food clean and safe to eat, it also improves the taste by eliminating all those nasty unwanted leftover chemicals.
Bottom line: AquaPure is a must-have in every home that buys fresh produce… and especially if you’re a parent of young children, pregnant, or are sensitive to chemicals.

Update: Here’s where to get the best price on AquaPure!
Wow! This has quickly become one of our most popular articles… clearly we’re not the only ones grossed out (and worried) when it comes to eating pesticides and mold!
We’ve read some great reviews from readers who have tried it, like this one from Keara:
“Was really skeptical about this thing at first to be honest, but it really exceeded my expectations. The water is soo gross after it's done, just like in the videos. Have I really been eating all that?!”
It always feels great to share products that people love, and AquaPure has easily been one of the most popular!
Of course, the biggest question we’ve received is: “Where can I get it?!”
That’s easy — you can get it directly from AquaPure on their website. Even better, they’re currently offering our readers a special deal: Get 2 AquaPure devices and get 1 for FREE, or get 50% OFF your 2nd AquaPure when you buy 1!
There’s just one problem… all this press means they’ve been running out of stock lately. If you’d like to keep your fruit and vegetables clean and taste, we suggest acting quickly!
Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of AquaPure have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This information does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.
References: Health risks of pesticides in food1 | Application of electrolyzed water in the food industry2
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